1.) KIHON – Fundamentals (s)
Shizentai: Natural
Zenkutsu: Front or Forward
Kokutsu: Back or Rear
Kibadachi: Horse or Straddle Stance
Fudodachi: Immovable Stance
Hand Techniques:
Oi-zuki: Thrust using the forefist of the hand which is the same forward foot.
Gyaku-zuki: Thrust using forefist of the hand which is on the opposite side of the forward foot
Shuto-uke: Receiving an attack with hands forming knives
Ude-uke: Receiving an attack upwardly
Gedan barai: Clear (sweep) away downwardly to the sides
Foot techniques:
Mae-geri: Kicking in the forward direction Using ball of the foot
Yoko-geri (keoge) Snapping upwardly using the side edge of the foot
Yoko-geri: Side thrust kick using the side edge of the foot
Mawashi-geri: Kicking with the ball of the foot, line of attack forming a semi-circle about the hip.
2.) Kata – Forms:
(Predetermined, orderly movements using the fundamental techniques, imagining being surrounded by aggressors. Used to practice Actual combat situations. )
(first cause 1,2,3)
Taikyoku Shodan Taikyoku Nidan Taikyoku Sandan
(Peaceful mind 1,2,3,4,5,)
Heian Shodan Heian Nidan Heian Sandan Heian Yodan Heian Godan
(Armoured Warrior 1,2,3,)
Tekki Shodan 1st Level Tekki Nidan 2nd Level Tekki Sandan 3rd Level
Individual Kata: Bassi Empi
Kanku Gan-kaku
Jion Jutte (Jitte)
Ten-no-Kata (two parts,”omote” front, and “ura” back) kata that can be performed anywhere.
Engagement with the opponent
Sanbon Kumite: Three consecutive attacks to the same zone using the same weapon
Kihon Ippon Kumite: Fundamental single engagement.
Jiyu Ippon Kumite: Single engagement with the specified weapon to prearranged target.
Jiyu Kumite: Free sparring with control.
Miscellaneous Terminologies:
Jo-dan: Upper zone
Chu-dan: Middle zone
Ge-dan: Lower zone
Rei: Bow
Mokuso: Meditation
Yame: Stop or cease, remain in Yoi position
Yoi: Ready
Kamaete: Get set to a given stance
Hajime : Commence, start
Ichi: One
Ni: Two
San: Three
Shi: Four
Go: Five
Roku: Six
Shichi: Seven
Hachi: Eight
Ku: Nine
Ju: Ten
Sensei: Distinguished title give to Master; Professor and Instructors.